
Anointing (feat. Chris Quilala)

Without Your breath in these lungs
I don't have a single song
I am lost if I don't have You
Without Your word on my lips
There is nothing I can give
I am lost if I don't have You

Holy Spirit, come down
I need You now
In everything, I need Your anointing
Fill me, move in Your power
Like oil pour down to my feet
I need Your anointing

Be the flame, be the spark
Be the fire in my heart
All I want, all-consuming
Be the end, be the start
Be the sum of every part
All I know, all I'm seeking

Holy Spirit, come down
I need You now
In everything, I need Your anointing
Fill me, move in Your power
Like oil pour down to my feet
I need Your anointing

All that really matters, all I ever need
All I'm ever after, is more of You in me
All that really matters, all I ever need
All I'm ever after, is You

Holy Spirit, come down
I need You now
In everything, I need Your anointing
Fill me, move in Your power
Like oil pour down to my feet

Holy Spirit, come down
I need You now
In everything, I need Your anointing
Fill me, move in Your power
Like oil pour down to my feet
I need Your anointing

All that really matters, all I ever need
All I'm ever after, is more of You in me
All that really matters, all I ever need
All I'm ever after, is more of You in me

All that really matters, all I ever need
All I'm ever after, is You

Holy Spirit, come down
I need You now
In everything, I need Your anointing
Fill me, move in Your power
Like oil pour down to my feet
I need Your anointing


最应该居住的王国 Meant to Live in This Kingdom

你把自己放到了 一个天平之上
忽高忽低震荡 秤重评量
你把人们的呐喊 当成某种营养
你好吗 你不好 你把梦都扔掉了

确实有座海洋 装着你我的梦
那古老的传说 仍然生动
当他扬起浪花 像在说话的风
吹进谁的心理 隐隐作痛

那是你 那是我 那是我们 曾几乎牵起的手
那是你 那是我 不想再错过的面孔

哭红的双眼望着 听腻的耳朵听
热过的心还热 唱过再唱
每分每秒的拯救 总始终望向他
还在吗 那当然 他帮你都收好了

那是你 那是我 那是我们 几乎点燃的烟火
那是你 那是我 最应该居住的王国



空中失序(2018才艺品格营主题曲)AI Can't Conquer Love

逝去的挚爱 冒烟的海岸
升空的梦想 坠落成灾
连呼吸都困难 幸存的人心演绎着

它没有答案 它没有答案
算得出未来 算不出爱

爱存在 是因为祢先存在

繁衍的太快 人类的未来
旧秩序太不堪 半空中飘落的尘埃

当次序 变失序 当字句
当拥抱 看得到 却是摸不到
科技 变绝境 当关系 变成只需要你关机 就能找回意义